Administrator on site

An administrator for your company in Bulgaria? We'll find it for you. There are situations in which the entrepreneur or, to be clear, the one who puts ideas and risk capital into the foundation of a company, is also the one who takes care of its operational management in every way. This happens especially in medium-small businesses. But there may be various situations in which the owner or founder, if you prefer, of the company does not want or is unable (for legal, personal, administrative reasons, etc.) to cover the role of Administrator of the company itself.

Now put yourself in the position of an entrepreneur who not only has to find an Administrator up to his role, but also has to do so in a foreign country such as Bulgaria, which he barely knows. Well, to meet this type of need, through its network of business consultants,VR and Partners is able to provide its customers with a trusted and trained administrator to act as administrator of your company.

What will his tasks be? They are not few and they are not trivial. In fact, Bulgarian legislation provides that the Administrator approves the company budget, is the guarantor of the functioning of the company and is responsible, if necessary, from an administrative point of view. He is also the person in charge of personnel selection and financial management of the company.

È chiaro quindi, dalla descrizione sin qui fatta, che non si tratta di un mero ruolo “pro-forma”, e per questo, tornando all’incipit di questa pagina, è assolutamente importante che la scelta dell’Amministratore , laddove richiesto dall’imprenditore, sia fatta nella massima sicurezza e con la certezza di integrare nel proprio management solo il meglio di quello che il mercato del lavoro bulgaro può offrire.

For VR and Partners customers, the figure of Administrator can be, upon request, part of the overall package of services offered by us, thus falling within the overall set of business support activities which is then our core business.

If you are interested in having a Administrator for your company in Bulgaria contact us without obligation!