The recent Covid 19 pandemic has brought to light another of the contradictions of the Italian system: on the one hand there is a university system which, for the medical professions (Medicine and Surgery, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing Sciences) provides for an entrance test which is passed by less than 10% of those who enroll every year, on the other hand there is a strong shortage of doctors and nurses and other healthcare workers.

It is the fault of a university system and professions (medical ones) too closed within the interests of more or less institutionalized corporations and baronies which many, including ministers and politicians, promise to eradicate but which instead, year after year, prove to be entities endemic to the system.

The result? The result is that many young people are forced to abandon the dream of wearing a white coat even before starting their studies. A terrible business card for a university system that should instead encourage young people to fuel their dreams through study and commitment.

Luckily today there is an alternative. Those who want to enroll in the faculties of Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine and Nursing Sciences can do so without the sword of Damocles of the entrance test for Italian faculties, by enrolling in university courses offered at Bulgarian universities.

How does it work? Students who have obtained a high school diploma in Italy can enroll in the medical-scientific faculties of Bulgarian universities "without an entrance test". Registration is free and gives you the opportunity to follow the courses which are delivered entirely in English. Therefore, no fear regarding Cyrillic, the official alphabet of Bulgaria which, fortunately, remains outside university classrooms.

Thanks to these courses, students from Italy not only have the opportunity to graduate and pursue the profession of their dreams while also perfecting the English language which, at the end of the course of study, they will speak fluently at a professional level. This will make post-graduation easier for them if, as often happens to medical graduates, they decide to specialize in higher education centers in the United States.

The best Bulgarian universities for those intending to graduate in the medical-scientific field are those in Pleven, Plovdiv, Varna and obviously Sofia, the capital.

It is clear that choosing to follow a degree course in Bulgaria involves some more and, if we want, more complicated steps than doing it in Italy. You have to get in touch with the universities, you have to complete all the registration procedures and, a problem that is often more complicated to follow remotely, you have to find accommodation.

To handle all these procedures, the simplest solution is to rely on specialized agencies such as VR and Partners which, by having native speaking staff in Italian and Bulgarian, and above all by having consultants on site, i.e. in Bulgaria they can take care of all the procedures more quickly and with certainty of results, will allow your boy to study in the medical field and continue so you can cultivate your dream.

And after graduation? Here comes the beauty. Yes, because new graduates in Medicine and Surgery, in Veterinary Medicine, in Dentistry or in Nursing Sciences in Bulgaria have the possibility, or rather it would be better to say they have the "certainty", of having their qualification recognized in Italy after a simple request to the Ministry of Health, approved 100% of the time.