If you are reading this article you are most likely interested in moving to Bulgaria; perhaps someone will be imagining moving their business to this country, while someone else will be considering moving to Bulgaria to enjoy their retirement more peacefully. We imagine you there doing searches on Google, with a thousand questions in your head.

Well in this article we do not presume to answer all these questions but, at least, the most common ones from those who know little about this nation. We will do this following the usual TRUE/FALSE scheme

  • Bulgaria is cold. FALSE. Bulgaria can be understood as a cold country to the same extent that we could make the same assumption for some regions of Northern Italy such as Trentino Alto Adige or Piedmont. The reality, however, is more complicated and, for example, tells us that in the summer months and in the spring and autumn, the Bulgarian seaside resorts overlooking the Black Sea can offer a mild climate equal to that which you would find on the charming Tuscan hills.
  • The tax burden in Bulgaria is low TRUE. Indeed very true. Bulgaria currently offers the most advantageous tax system in the ranking of EU countries. In fact, progressive taxes have been abandoned for some time and in Bulgaria there is a single rate of 10% for both natural and legal persons. You read that right. If you become a Bulgarian citizen, you will have to leave "only" 10% of what you earn to the State in taxes every year, regardless of the size of your personal income or your company's turnover.
  • It is possible to enjoy the tax advantages of Bulgaria while remaining in Italy. FALSE. Regardless of what some troubleshooter active on social media may say, NO, it is not possible to take advantage of Bulgarian tax benefits while remaining resident in Italy; in fact, you could even face double taxation. To take advantage of the tax benefits you must take up residence in Bulgaria.
  • It is easy to take up Bulgarian residency. REAL. There are no stringent criteria for those citizens coming from abroad who want to take up Bulgarian residency. Upon request, it is processed quickly.
  • Once I have obtained Bulgarian residency I can also return to Italy. FALSE. In order to maintain your Bulgarian residency and with it the resulting tax benefits, you must stay in Bulgaria for at least 6 months a year.
  • Opening a company in Bulgaria is child's play. FALSE. Or at least not entirely true. The bureaucracy in Bulgaria is much simplified compared to the Italian reality; however, in order for the incorporation of your company in Bulgaria to be successful, it is necessary according to We ask ourselves to be followed by specialized agencies such as VR and Partners to avoid the typical errors of those who are not experts and speed up the required procedures.
  • Transport in Bulgaria is obsolete. FALSE. If you intend to open a factory in Bulgaria you can be sure that your goods will have the possibility of moving quickly both to Italy (through the North-East passage on land, or via the Adriatic sea) and to all the main destinations in Europe and the Middle East.
  • In Bulgaria they know how to have fun. REAL. One of the characteristics of Bulgarian entertainment is that it covers all 24 hours of the day. Discos, beaches, bars, restaurants and night clubs. From the moment you open your eyes in the morning until you go to sleep late at night, you can be sure that (especially in the main centers of the country) you will always find a place open with people inside where you can spend pleasant hours in company.
  • Labor costs in Bulgaria are low. REAL. The average gross cost of a worker in Bulgaria is around 8 thousand euros per year, or a third of what you would spend in Italy.
  • Language is one of the main problems for those moving to Bulgaria. REAL. Precisely for this reason and also for this reason, do-it-yourself is inadvisable for those who intend to move here. Contracts, commercial proposals, bureaucratic procedures can become hell if you don't know the language. This is why it is good to rely on companies like VR and Partners which, having staff Italian and Bulgarian on site, they can follow you in the delicate phases of your transfer not only as mere translators but also as legal and business consultants.