Trademark and Patent Registration
VR & Partners offers its clients a wide range of services in the field of trademarks and patents:
- trademark registration at the dedicated authority in Bulgaria
- verification of the pre-existence of a trademark, its owner or the portfolio of rights in Bulgaria or in any other country, to defend one's rights; this is a due diligence activity prior to the presentation of a trademark and patent, which is essential so that this presentation is not rejected, thus also resulting in the loss of the fees paid in support of this presentation, which are not refunded in the event of rejection of the trademark or of the patent. The most common causes for the rejection of registration applications are the presence of a previous similar registration for the same products or services, or the absence of a distinctive character in the trademark or patent presented.
- The registration of your trademark or patent in the European Union, before the European Office EUIPO. The Community trademark has the advantage of having uniform protection in all 28 EU member countries
- Consultancy and services relating to the presentation and obtaining of the invention patent
- Copyright and copyright consultancy and services
- Consultancy and services relating to rights relating to company designs or logos