Tax Management

As we have seen in this section Bulgaria has recently been at the center of interest for many Italian entrepreneurs thanks to a very advantageous tax regime. Low direct taxes on people and businesses, VAT reduced or even eliminated, reduced charges for new industrial settlements.

Il Paese magiaro rappresenta quindi un’area, all’interno dell’Unione Europea ad alta attrattività economica.
Grandi vantaggi fiscali richiedono però anche un grande lavoro di ottimizzazione della propria fiscalità, quella che in gergo si chiama “Tax Management“, un’attività. è bene specificarlo, che deve essere affidata a professionisti di comprovata esperienza e capacità.

Our Agency provides its clients with a pool of experts capable of planning their own Tax Planning with the certainty of being able to achieve two objectives:

  1. make the most of all the tax incentives offered by Bulgarian legislation
  2. avoid running into legal problems by operating in full compliance with Bulgarian, Italian and international law

Contact us immediately at our contact details to find out more!