Nei post precedenti abbiamo imparato a conoscere la Bulgaria come terra fertile per il lancio di un nuovo business o per il trasferimento del proprio business, come bengodi a buon mercato per i pensionati italiani, e come alternativa per gli studenti che vogliono laurearsi in Medicina o Odontoiatria e che non hanno superato il test di ingresso in Italia.
Today we want to talk to you about another offer that, we believe, is very interesting in Bulgaria, which is the one relating to dental care.
We understand that, faced with a similar topic, someone might object and say "why on earth should I go to Bulgaria when Italy is full of dentists?" Well the issue is much more complex than this simplification. It is a complexity that starts from the numbers that tell us how Italians, also driven by the recent waves of crisis, are increasingly abandoning the care of their teeth and mouth. Why does this happen? Mainly for two reasons: the first, of cultural origin, arises from a fundamental error or from considering dental care as an aesthetic treatment when instead giving health to one's teeth and one's mouth, as well as undoubtedly improving our appearance , it also helps you eat correctly and reduce migraines and joint problems.
The second reason is linked to the cost which, especially for more complicated ones such as false tooth implants, can become prohibitive. Therefore, Bulgaria, with its cost of living equal to half that of Italy, can become a solution to be considered at least by those who, until now, have given up on taking care of the beauty and health of their teeth simply for an economic question. . As? Well with typical treatment prices that stand at 40% of Italian ones. In simple terms, if a specific dental treatment in Italy would cost you 10 thousand euros, in Bulgaria you would only pay 4 thousand. Please note that these Bulgarian prices refer to treatments at high quality centers that guarantee maximum compliance with international medical-dental standards. We are not talking about low-cost clinics!
It may be useful to provide some examples here: let's start with the implants, which we talked about before, with an average cost of 600 euros for a single tooth, and then move on to removable prostheses for two arches (300 euros), orthopanoramics (25 euros) , the overdure of ceramic teeth (300 euros), the filling of a tooth (30 euros), professional whitening (260 euros) or finally root canal treatment (50 euros).
As you have seen, these are prices that can be defined as "popular" and in fact affordable for everyone.
The savings opportunities are interesting but are you afraid of having to organize medical treatment in a country where you don't know anyone and whose language you don't know? No problem! We at VR and Partners can help you plan your treatments here in Bulgaria by taking care of everything, from choosing the professional, making appointments, food and accommodation, offering you an all-inclusive package that relieves you of the burden of doing a lot of research on the internet, with the risk of not knowing exactly who you are putting yourself in.