We ask you a question. If we told you that in Italy the labour cost for the production of a good would you do? Would you continue to produce in Italy? Most likely not, or in any case you would think twice, especially if the production of the good in question is not linked to traditions and workers in which Made in Italy can represent a plus for the positioning of the good itself on the market

Here the EU country in question is not a hypothetical destination but a nation not too far from us, Bulgaria. A nation that shares with us, in addition to the colors of the flag, also belonging to the common European market, with all the resulting advantages. In fact, for example, those who produce products manufactured in Bulgaria can import them into Italy without paying VAT and customs duties.

A nice advantage that helps keep production costs low in this small Eastern European country. A country which, as the Eurostat graph shown at the bottom of this post tells us, despite the passing of the years and the growth in GDP, still continues to be the true El Dorado for European entrepreneurs.

And not only for the low cost of labor which certainly represents a pole of attraction for foreign investments. Even the taxation in Bulgaria is one of those things that make the eyes of those who shine does business. Just think that here there is a single IRPEF bracket fixed at 10% for all taxpayers, both for those who earn 1000 euros per year and for those who earn one million. The same taxation is also applied to businesses.

Low salaries and practically zero taxes. What more do you need to at least start considering moving your professional and/or business activity to Bulgaria? Do you think it's complicated? It can be if you try the bumpy DIY route. But if you rely on the field experience of agencies like VR and Partners, your relocation journey to Bulgaria will become simple and fast as we will guide you along all the bureaucratic and unnecessary steps to bring your business here.