How long does it take to open a company in Italy? Months, or, optimistically, weeks. How long does it take to open a company in Bulgaria? If you do it using leading companies in the business consultancy sector such as VR and Partner it takes 24 hours! Yep, that's right, 24 hours, and that's not a typo.
How is it possible? It is possible thanks to the preparation and organization of our consultants who know how to deal with those who do business (people who are usually not inclined to waste unnecessary time) and have therefore organized a real procedural flow capable of allowing our customers to open their company between the evening and the morning.
As? To explain it, we imagined writing a timetable of the "typical" day needed for us at VR and Partners to allow you to open your company here in Sofia.
9.00 am: arrival at the airport in Sofia. Here you will be welcomed by our consultants and, after a good coffee, you will be accompanied to the office of a notary belonging to the pool of professionals with whom we usually collaborate. Here all the founding members of the company in question will be able to sign the documents in front of the notary. Attention: these documents were previously shared with the signatories via email in the days before the meeting in front of the Notary, so that they could arrive prepared for the signature.
11.00 am: once the notarial procedures have been completed and all the signatures have been signed by all the constituent members of the company, it is time to open a current account in Bulgaria. Also in this case, those who allow themselves to be supported by the VR and Partners consultancy services don't have to worry about anything. In fact, we will select the credit institution best suited to the customer's needs and we will always accompany you. Once at the bank we will proceed once again to collect the signatures of the members for the opening of the current account; here it will be possible for members to request any debit and credit cards for the operational management of financial flows related to your account.
Ore 13.00: la vostra società in Bulgaria è ufficialmente fondata. E a dire il vero ci avrete messo anche meno di 24 ore. Avrete quindi il tempo per godervi voi e i vostri soci un meritato pranzo in uno degli ottimi ristoranti di Sofia.
To these, which are the necessary steps for the incorporation of the company in Bulgaria, another must be added which is that of registration with the VIES, i.e. the system that allows European companies to be able to send and receive invoices to and from from any country in the world. It is worth underlining that this operation is disconnected from the establishment and registration of the company, but is nevertheless preparatory for its operation, especially if you intend to operate outside the Bulgarian borders. This process is usually completed in less than 7 business days.