La Bulgaria è una delle destinazioni privilegiate da parte degli stranieri in cerca di residenza nell’Unione Europea.
Il Paese da parte sua propone una procedura molto semplificata per l’ottenimento di un permesso di soggiorno e per la cittadinanza.
A tal proposito risulta di particolare interesse il programma per la cittadinanza bulgara attraverso investimenti e residenza in Bulgaria grazie al quale un cittadino straniero può diventare cittadino dell’Unione Europea in meno di 3 anni.
All EU regulations and directives for free movement within the Union are in force in the country, which favor the entry, stay and exit from Bulgaria for citizens of EU member states, rules that are less restrictive than those that apply to citizens of other countries around the world.
We can provide legal services in all areas of immigration law in Bulgaria.
At a high level it is possible to divide the services we offer in the field of immigration into the following macro areas:
Legal services for the acquisition of Bulgarian citizenship through the “Bulgarian Citizenship through Investments” program, or Bulgarian citizenship by origin or finally Bulgarian citizenship through naturalization
Legal support for those wishing to stay in Bulgaria for a long time (permanent residency program, permanent residency by investment, residency program by opening a business representation at BCCI, long-term residency, long-term resident status in the European Union
Legal services for those who must reside in Bulgaria for a long time thanks to a permanent residence certificate
Legal services for obtaining a “C” type visa for a short visit to Bulgaria
Legal services for obtaining a “D” type visa for foreigners who wish to visit Bulgaria repeatedly or stay in the country for a longer period
* It is important to remember that foreigners visiting or living in Bulgaria are required to respect the local legal system as well as to be loyal to the Bulgarian state and not undertake actions that may undermine the prestige and honor of the host nation . Lack of knowledge of the laws is not a reason for exemption from one's responsibilities