Trademark registration is one of the most classic steps for companies and professionals of a certain level. In fact, for these companies, the brand is not just a graphic badge to be placed on letterheads and business cards, but a sign with which to recognize the company and the values it embodies. This is why trademark registration is not only a procedure that we would recommend but, from our point of view, it is practically mandatory.

In Bulgaria it is possible to register trademarks relating to your company brand or products and we at VR and Partners provide specific assistance with respect to this topic. Registration must be carried out at the Bulgarian Patent Office, and has a duration of 10 years, once accepted. At the end of the 10 years it is possible to always ask for its renewal, but always for 10 years at a time. It should be remembered that such registration is valid only on Bulgarian territory. If, however, you want to extend it to the entire European Union, you will need to make a slightly different request asking for the registration of the European trademark.

At the time of registration, the applicant must provide very detailed information on the brand he is registering as well as a whole series of information on the people and/or companies that own the brand.

Once the trademark has been registered, it is analyzed by a special office which verifies its compliance with the Bulgarian legal criteria for the definition of the trademarks themselves. Following this analysis, the office comes out with binding feedback on whether or not the trademark itself can be registered.

Finally, let's talk about times. Our experience tells us that the average time for registration of a trademark in Bulgaria is around 6 months on average, and therefore subject to variations between 4 and 9 months. Be careful though. It is likely that objections may arise during the registration phase of a trademark: they may come either from the judging office or from third parties who, in the presented trademark, see their rights being infringed because, perhaps, it shows different features of a registered trademark previously. In these cases the trademark procedure can be completed within two years.

Also to avoid problems of this type, our advice is to be followed by experts in the sector who know the local reality of Bulgaria well, and who therefore know how to direct you to the right offices following the most correct and fastest procedures. Therefore, rely on experts like us at VR and Partners for the registration of your trademark in Bulgaria. This way you won't risk wasting time that you could better use for your business.