This post is mainly aimed at those people who at the moment, being able to count on good liquidity set aside, are looking around for effective investments with which to make use of this liquidity.

Well, the first advice we would like to give to these people is to try to look outside the Italian panorama. A panorama which, although it may seem familiar to us, is however too often blocked by endemic evils such as bureaucracy, excessive tax pressure and cronyism, often also present in commercial relationships between private individuals which should instead be regulated only by the laws of the free market.

A market that, to our direct knowledge given that we "live" it up close every day, is that of Bulgaria. A market which, from the moment this country entered Europe, has been in constant turmoil also thanks to a policy of business support and low taxation.

Investing in Bulgaria: yes but how and where? Based on the country's macro economic projections, these are the three sectors in which we would advise you to invest: electricity supplies, import export of Made in Italy and tourism.

Below we will provide you with the details that try to explain our suggestions and the first steps to take to put these investments into practice.

  • Electrical supplies. The key words to understand the meaning and reason of our first suggestion are the following: "National Energy Strategy". What is it about? This is a large national plan which is already underway but which will see its effects especially in the years to come and which serves to provide Bulgaria with a cutting-edge national energy supply network, capable of replacing the old structures, to mostly built during the Cold War years, based on obsolete, expensive and polluting technologies. In this sense, there is no point in hiding it, all those companies that deal not only with consultancy for the energy industry but also with commercial support through the supply of machinery, instrumentation, cables and other types of products are doing golden business in this country. used in this industrial sector. It is also interesting to note, from this perspective, that Bulgaria (we remind you) is part of the European common market. It is therefore possible to import these products directly from Italy without having to bear the costs of customs duties or import VAT.
  • The second sector in which we suggest you invest is that relating to the great universe of Made in Italy. We are not saying anything new by stating that everything that is Italian and is made with quality and style finds a market and appreciation abroad. This also happens in states with an emerging economy like Bulgaria where the middle bourgeoisie is now starting to appreciate luxury and the good life. Two typical "products" of the Italian economy. What Italian products to sell in Bulgaria? Clothing and food with a focus, as far as food is concerned, on oil, wine and local specialties.
  • We therefore arrive at the third and final sector in which we recommend you invest in Bulgaria: tourism. It is the great promise of the Bulgarian economy. A 360 degree tourism that starts in the winter in the ski resorts of Bansko and Vitosha – Sofia, and continues in the summer along the coasts in places like Varna and Sunny Beach. How to invest? For medium-large investments you can think of taking over entire hotel facilities on site or, with decidedly smaller investments, you can purchase apartments in tourist areas and make them profitable through seasonal or annual rentals. We would like to point out that in the latter case it is also possible to invest very small sums: in Varna, for example, it is possible to buy a 2-bedroom apartment with 70 thousand euros.

If you intend to invest in one of the areas suggested by us, or in other areas of interest to you, all you have to do is take the first steps towards your investment. As? First of all, finding local partners who can help you prepare, implement and make the most of your investment.

We at VR and Partners have an internal team of experts with lawyers, real estate developers and business consultants who can follow you in all phases; from choosing the most suitable area for your investor profile to the bureaucratic aspects up to the search for the properties necessary for the selected investment.

With us you will be able to take your first steps safely, with the serenity of those who know they can count on a group of experts "on site" (the latter being a fundamental aspect) who can guide them step by step, thus avoiding the typical errors of investors beginners and, in general, of those who want to invest in Bulgaria but do not know the local context.