Pizza, mandolin, beautiful landscapes and hospitality... We don't need the stereotypes according to which we are seen abroad to be able to say without fear of contradiction that Italy is a fantastic country in which to "live"; excellent climate, exquisite food and lots of beauty, not only that which derives from our artistic heritage but also that of the high fashion that we Italians are very good at producing, that of Made in Italy, synonymous with style and quality.

However, if, as mentioned, Italy is a fantastic country in which to live and perhaps spend a few weeks of holiday, the other side of the coin is that ours is also a terrible country for those who want to start a business or however, try to make a living as a freelancer, and this is essentially due to many reasons of which we will limit ourselves to listing the 4 main ones here:
1) Italy is the country with the highest business and production costs in the world. One consideration above all explains this point well: you must consider that an Italian SME has an annual energy cost that is 265% higher than the European average. You read that right, 265%!
2) In Italy, but we all know this, there is the most complex tax system in the entire continent, indeed, to be honest, if we consider the 94 main global tax systems, ours is in terms of complexity (and certainly not efficiency) , is second only to Turkey and Brazil!
3) Faced with this complexity, those who do business in Italy also find themselves having to face the highest tax burden in Europe. A tax burden that ultimately also affects the production costs mentioned in point 1.
4) Italy is the country with the lowest rating regarding the debt sustainability. To be clear, compared to Germany which is triple A or France which is double A, Italy is triple B and this is reflected in the sustainability of long-term debt, much lower than our European colleagues, and also ends up burdening the tax burden (point 3) and production costs (point 1).

So what should an entrepreneur do who, on a daily basis, not only finds himself facing the difficulties arising from normal business life (competition, the market, production and personnel management) but also the thousand obstacles that are placed along his path? covered by a cumbersome bureaucracy and a senseless tax system?

A solution that more and more entrepreneurs are choosing is to relocating their business to Bulgaria. It is not a simple process, but it is certainly a process capable of giving breath and new impetus to any type of activity.

You just need to know how to move.

VR & Partners can help you in all this by providing highly qualified people who will facilitate the transfer process.

Contact us immediately for an initial no-obligation interview!