On this blog we have talked to you many times about the convenience of opening a company in Bulgaria . It is a rule that in general applies to all areas of commerce and services, but as regards IT, or information technology, it is even more true that, at the moment, Bulgaria it is the best place in Europe to invest in and below we will explain why. Why in IT? Well, let's start by saying that IT companies are different from others. In fact, they are characterized by the fact of being disconnected from a specific territory. No machinery or warehouses are needed. A developer is such whether you hire him with a contract in Rome or Milan or if you hire him from Bulgaria: all the more so since thanks to smart working the developer can continue to remain in Italy while the company, i.e. its fiscal and legal residence, is moves to Bulgaria. A very soft change that does not change the company's modus operandi in the slightest, it simply moves its registered office to a state, Bulgaria, where in general opening a company is much more convenient than in Italy thanks to fixed 10% taxation for both businesses and companies, even for those with very high turnover.

In practice, according to the scheme we are suggesting, if you own an IT farm, you could set up a company in Bulgaria with the same operational characteristics, all smart working staff operating in Italy if they prefer or in any other part of the world, and profits taxed in Bulgaria. But there is more, that is, there is a notable difference if, for example, you decide to relocate your IT company to Albania, just to name a country with low labor costs, instead of to Bulgaria. The difference is easy to say: Bulgaria, unlike Albania, is to all intents and purposes an EU country. This means that, even in relation to your customers, tax issues are considerably simplified as you would be invoicing within the EU, with all the advantages that this entails.

Ed ancora. Si parlava di costo del lavoro. Ebbene qui c’è da sottolineare un ultimo punto altrettanto importante riguardo all’idea di aprire una società in Bulgaria nel campo IT. All’inizio infatti vi abbiamo prefigurato l’idea e la possibilità di mantenere lo stesso personale italiano (in smart working) attraverso contratti free lance o da dipendenti con assunzione su Sofia. C’è un’ulteriore possibilità che è quella di assumere personale direttamente qui in Bulgaria. L’università di Sofia ad esempio sforna ottimi ingegneri, informatici e matematici, ed il costo del personale, se assumente bulgari, è un quinto rispetto agli italiani. VR and Partners può fornirvi pieno supporto sia per tutto quello che attiene alla costituzione della nuova società in Bulgaria, sia per il ramp up della nuova società attraverso la cura degli aspetti logistici atti alla messa in funzione della stessa qui in Bulgaria.  Chiedeteci come attraverso una consulenza gratuita.