Today we want to talk to you about a particular professional category, the photographers, who can draw numerous advantages from migrating their business to Bulgaria.

Attention! When we talk about photographers, in our sense, we are not referring to those who deal with wedding and baptism services. Not because they are not photographers too, but simply because the advantages we will talk about shortly cannot be applied to them. The photographers we are referring to are those of a medium-high level, preferably if they are used to working in international contexts. In short, we are referring to those professionals who are as accustomed to using a reflex camera as they are to taking a plane and traveling around the world for their reportages or books.

Here, for them, the idea of taking up residence in Bulgaria and moving the registered office of their business here can certainly entail a whole series of opportunities and advantages which we are going to list below:

  1. La tassazione agevolata – Come abbiamo avuto più volte la possibilità di ripetere, in Bulgaria è presente una tassazione agevolata sulle aziende e sulle persone fisiche al 10% (in Italia l’IRPEF medio di un fotografo di livello supera il 45%). Per poter accedere a questo beneficio è necessario avere la residenza in Bulgaria e Costituire la propria impresa sempre qui in Bulgaria, due operazioni molto semplici se supportate dalla consulenza di agenzie specializzate come VR and Partners
  2. Efficient air transport – Previously we talked about the target photographer this post is aimed at. A medium-high level target made up of professionals who operate practically anywhere in the world. Well for them Bulgaria, and in particular Sofia, is certainly able to offer air connections with all the main European and intercontinental destinations.
  3. Equipment – A third, not negligible, very important point for a photographer to start considering the idea of moving to Bulgaria concerns the supply of very high quality equipment. Both online and in the main Bulgarian cities there are shops where it is possible to find cameras, accessories and tools for professional development of the highest quality at prices which are considerably more advantageous than those charged in Italy.

What is missing to convince a top photographer to spread his wings and start operating with a more humane tax system in Bulgaria instead of Italy? Perhaps a practical example is missing, which we will give you today. In particular, we are talking to you about one of us, that is, our CEO, Roberto Maggio, who in addition as well as being an entrepreneur with 40 years of experience, he is also a professional photographer with a following that, also thanks to social media, now covers all sides of the globe.

Well, thanks to the services of VR and Partners, Roberto Maggio has experienced firsthand the benefits of moving his center of action from Italy, where he is originally from, to Bulgaria. Here he set up his own company as a photographer (along with others in other sectors) and here he operates successfully aided by the fact that he can count on a light and efficient bureaucracy and, as mentioned before, on a humane tax system that does not put wheels to businesses nor does it become a noose around their neck that ends up strangling them. Thanks to the relocation of his activities to Bulgaria, Roberto Maggio was able to safeguard his businesses and, as a photographer, he had the chance to transform his lifelong passion into a real business with interesting turnover and collaborations that bring him and his reflex in Dubai as well as in America, the rest of Asia and Europe.