Opening a company in Bulgaria or working in Bulgaria in Nearshoring? It is interesting to note today how these new scenarios are opening up for those, professionals and companies, who want to exploit all the opportunities that the single European market makes available. Let's therefore try to answer the question, opening a company in Bulgaria or doing nearshoring, starting from the affirmation of some fundamental principles, which in turn answer these questions: when nearshoring is convenient and when it is convenient relocation? Relocation to Bulgaria definitely applies to professionals, freelancers, small companies. For these companies, opening a company in Bulgaria and continuing to run the business here that they previously ran in Italy means entering a highly advantageous tax system where there is a single tax, the famous Bulgarian flat tax, which remains unchanged at 10%. % regardless of the individual or company's annual profitability, unlike Italy where the flat tax (at 15%) only applies to economic entities with turnover of less than 85 thousand euros per year.

Nearshoring, on the other hand, becomes interesting for those who want to save on production costs without losing the Italian nature of their brand. In fact, in these cases, it is a question of moving only the purely productive aspects, i.e. the industrial ones in the strict sense, to countries like Bulgaria. The administrative and technical management remains in Italy, while  outside Italy, but in neighboring and similar countries (such as Bulgaria) only the production part moves, being able to count on labor costs that are one fifth of those in Italy. But not only that: nearshoring, which some economists are also starting to call "friendshoring", offers greater guarantees of business continuity than the old forms of industrial outsourcing which in recent years have led to the centralization of production in China with all the question marks that this resulted. However, it must be said, in the case of nearshoring, that in this case the tax advantages of delocalisation are not obtained because the tax residence remains in Italy. This is a limit but, in some cases, it can still be the lesser evil because, for example, it allows the brand to maintain its Italian character.

In nuts:

  • Delocalisation completely moves the company from Italy to Bulgaria both from a fiscal and operational point of view, it certainly has very great advantages in economic terms but in some cases it may not be within the reach of all situations, for reasons of opportunity or ethics. moral. It can be a way of strong economic growth for both companies and professionals.
  • Nearshoring involves the transfer of only the production part from Italy to neighboring countries in the European Union to avoid customs duties and which offer greater stability in the long term thanks to democratic standards closer to those of Italy. Does not apply to professionals.