From Italy to the center of Sofia and back, to the heart of Rome. If you follow the updates on our website, you will have noticed that, for a few weeks, there has been big news in the world of VR and Partners. Yes, because a few weeks ago VR and Partners opened a new office in Italy. But not just anywhere. VR and Partners, a bit as is always our style, wanted to do things big for the occasion, and chose to open its first Italian office in Rome, in the heart of the capital, a stone's throw from Spain, in a splendid area with a garden in Via Margutta 33. Here, those who wish and prefer it can meet our staff to receive the information and advice they need to start doing business in Bulgaria. This is evidently an additional tool available to our customers, a way to get to know each other in person right away, even before signing a contract, without the obligation of having to take a plane to Sofia even just for a preliminary meeting . Thanks to the new headquarters in Via Margutta 33 in Rome, VR and Partners clients can begin their virtual and physical journey towards their new business dimension in Bulgaria from an initial face-to-face interview with one of our consultants.

To make a first appointment at the new VR and Partners office in Rome, anyone interested in opening a new company in Bulgaria or in any case doing business in the Balkans can contact us on our new Italian telephone numbers on 0662200074 or 0662200993. We will arrange as soon as possible, based on the customer's needs, an initial meeting. You will be welcomed in the renovated rooms of our new Roman headquarters, equipped with all the technologies and all the services for executive meetings that combine comfort with effectiveness, two themes that, from experience, we know are dear to those who do business, in all latitudes .

Finally, we would like to remind you that the cognitive meeting with our consultants, in our Rome office or in our Sofia office, is not mandatory with respect to the primary objective of opening a new company in Bulgaria or outsourcing your business, or moving to Sofia is your tax residence. The only obligation, in terms of physical presence, is that of the customer who, following the signing of the contract with us, and once we have completed all the procedures for the change of tax residence and his move to Bulgaria , in this last phase the customer must physically go to Bulgaria to open a current account in any local banking institution. Unfortunately, to date, this last mile cannot yet be delegated to brokerage and business consultancy companies such as VR and Partners.